Meet Our Team

Located in Dugan Hall, Room 102, we support all Butler students and graduates—for free, for life—in their professional development and pursuit of internships, jobs, project-based learning experiences, graduate school, gap years, service opportunities, financial wellness, and more.

We support the Career and Life Skills dimension of BU Be Well.

Quick Contacts

General questions and
Career advisingSchedule appointment or use emails below
Employers and RecruitersJeremy Walthall
On-campus Student Employment (Student Employees)(Supervisors)
and Federal Work Study (FWS)
Lorraine Vavul (Human Resources)
Data (Submit data requests)Gary Beaulieu
Handshake and CaPS websiteJeremy Walthall

Send Questions Anytime


Gary Beaulieu
Headshot of Gary Beaulieu
Senior Director Career and Professional Success
Mike Thomas
Headshot of Mike Thomas
Senior Associate Director Career and Professional Success
Jeremy Walthall
Headshot of Jeremy Walthall
Associate Director of Employer Success
Lori Coe
Headshot of Lori Coe
Associate Director Career and Professional Success

Career Advising and Consulting

Tabitha Barbour
Career Advisor Career and Professional Success
Mona Guirguis
Headshot of Mona Guirguis
Career Advisor Career and Professional Success
Theresa Nucciarone
Headshot of Theresa Nucciarone
Career Advisor Career and Professional Success

Sierra Ramey
Career Development Consultant
Courtney Rousseau

Career Mentoring (LSB Majors)

Each major in Butler’s Lacy School of Business (LSB) is assigned a career mentor. Separate from an academic advisor, these current and former executives call upon their experience when guiding students through a structured, four-year career development program called Blueprint.

Jennifer Bauchner
Headshot of Jennifer Bauchner
Executive Career Mentor
Randy Brown
Headshot of Randy Brown
Executive Career Mentor

Ed Friel
Headshot of Ed Friel
Executive Career Mentor

Raymond Kennedy
Executive Career Mentor
Samuel LeStourgeon
Headshot of Samuel LeStourgeon

Robert Marchesani
Headshot of Robert Marchesani
Executive Career Mentor

Carrie Meyer
Executive Career Mentor
Chad Miller
Headshot of Chad Miller
Lecturer in Applied Business Technology

Mark Moore
Headshot of Mark Moore
Executive Career Mentor
Eloise Paul
Headshot of Eloise Paul
Executive Career Mentor
Kay Reddick
Executive Career Mentor
Robert Roach
Headshot of Robert Roach
Executive Career Mentor
Barry Simich
Headshot of Barry Simich
Executive Career Mentor
Jane Surges
Executive Career Mentor

LSB Career Development Administration

Taiylor Fields
Headshot of Taiylor Fields
Administrative Specialist for LSB Career Dev. Career and Professional Succes

Put a plan into action.

Apply the skills and knowledge you have gained to actively pursue opportunities that align with your goals. Continue to reflect upon your progress and refine your plan as needed.

We’re Here to Help

In addition to utilizing the resources above, please don’t hesitate to reach out at any time:

BU Be Well

BU Be Well logo

Our office supports the Career and Life Skills dimension of BU Be Well.

We help students and graduates focus on building and maintaining successful skills for future or current careers, including internships, employment, graduate school, gap year/service programs, and financial literacy.

Learn more about BU Be Well.